This section includes information on materials and activities which are part of the communication and dissemination of ARIADNE.
International conferences attended.
1. Stokes200 Symposium, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, 15-18th September 2019.
Oral presentation. Title: Rare events, anomalies, and Brownian motion.
2. 11th Liquid Matter Conference (2020/2021), online conference, 18-23th July 2021. Poster
presentation. Title: Length Scales in Brownian yet Non-Gaussian Dynamics.
Courses for non-expert audiences.
Since February 2020 I have taught different courses for undergraduate students, being included in the
teaching plan of the department of Applied Physics at the UGR.
1. 30 hours-course "Física de los Procesos Biológicos" (Physics of Biological Processes). February-
2020. Audience: Students of the first year in the grade of biology. My teaching was evaluated by my
students with a grade of 4.93 over 5. Most of the course was online.
2. 30 hours-course "Técnicas Experimentales Básicas, Laboratorio" (Basic Experimental Techniques,
Laboratory). February-May 2020. Audience: Students of the first year in the grade of Physics. My
teaching was evaluated by my students with a grade of 5 over 5. Most of the course was online and I
designed material to do the practice at home.
3. 30 hours-course "Física de los Procesos Biológicos" (Physics of Biological Processes). February-
May 2021. Audience: Students of the first year in the grade of Biology. All the course was online.
4. 15 hours-course "Técnicas Experimentales Básicas, Teoría" (Basic Experimental Techniques,
Theory). February-March 2021. Audience: Students of the first year in the grade of Physics. All the
course was online.
5. 30 hours-course "Técnicas Experimentales Básicas, Laboratorio" (Basic Experimental Techniques,
Laboratory). February-May 2021. Audience: Students of the first year in the grade of Physics. Part of
the course was online.
Part of the material I created for all these courses is open access through DIGIBUB, the repository of
the University of Granada. Examples of material for theses courses can be consulted here,
The estimated number of students is 120 students from biology and 70 students from physics.
Outreach activities.
1. Activities and material for Gender Dimension.
Covering the planned activities to enhance the role of women in science, we developed a project in
collaboration with Dr. Pedro Ramon Torregrosa (professor at the secondary school IES Gregorio
Salvador, Cúllar Baza, Granada) and the regional government of Andalucía. The original idea (before
COVID-19) was to organise different meetings with secondary school students at the University of
Granada during the spring of 2020. However, due to the COVID-19, we finally created online material
which was accessible online to all the students. This material consists in a pedagogical document of the
working lives of Gerty Cori, Marie Curie, Emmy Noether, and Rosalind Franklin. The material
generated is open access, and can be consulted here (Spanish). Title of the Project: "Ciencia es nombre
de mujer" (Science is a female name).
2. Presence in the media and press releases.
I have been present in the media through different channels:
- The youtube channel UGRmedia (University of Granada) invited some professors of the UGR who
showed excellence in online teaching during the COVID-19 situation to talk on their experience. I was
one of the selected professors. My contribution (Spanish) can be seen here.
- I had an interview with the youtube channel Clubes de Ciencia España (Science Clubs Spain) to talk
on the applications of Statistical Physics to different problems such as modelling of living matter and
socio-physics. The interview (Spanish) can be seen here.
- On September 2021, Canal UGR (the media channel of the University of Granada) will publish a
press-release with the publication of my work in Physical Review X (see Publications).
Additional technical material.
1. I supervised the BSc of Nicolas Tognetti, a student of the last year in the grade of biology. With this
BSc thesis we tested the computational model I developed for polar systems, contrasting satisfactorily
its results with previous works on the diffusion of E. coli bacteria. This BSc thesis deserved the
maximum grade given to a BSc thesis (10 over 10 and Matrícula de Honor). The dissertation is open
access through DIGIBUB, and can be consulted here (Spanish). Title: "Procesos de difusión en
suspensiones bacterianas" (Diffusion processes in bacterial suspensions 2021).
2. My Data Management Plan is now used by the Library of the University of Granada as a model for
future data management plans. The Library of the University of Granada announced my Data
Management Plan through its website and its facebook channel. The Data Management Plan is open
access through DIGIBUB, has received more than 800 views and more than 300 downloads (27th
July 2021), and can be consulted here.